Author: cpulse

Screaming Symphony Interview

Thanks to Gary and Peter from Screaming Symphony for the interview on Thursday night. Their work in supporting the local Progressive/Power Metal scene is much appreciated.

You can listen to the interview here: (we are on around thirty minutes into the show).

Interview with

The following is the original English version of an interview Simon did with

How did you grow up listening to music, what inspired you to take up your instruments?

Well, each of us is going to have a unique answer to this question and you can find specific details in the band member biographies on our website. Generally speaking, we all more or less would have started off listening to some form of rock/metal music before discovering progressive metal via one of the major bands such as Dream Theater, who are probably the main common influence/inspiration amongst the band members. Inspiration to pick up our instruments would have come from a general exposure to music in which the instrument featured or from the playing of a particular individual. Beyond this, I suppose that a common feature for the members in a band like us is that sooner or later they discover and are highly impressed by musicians who excel on the instrument they play. This in turn inspires them to reach higher levels of proficiency.

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The lyrics for all the songs on ‘In the Blink of an Eye’ can now be found here under the Music section.

Band Bio

New extended band bio now up:

New Drummer

At last we have a drummer! We are very pleased to welcome to the band Tommy O, a young drummer extraordinaire from New Zealand who has just recently arrived in Melbourne.

Check out the following links to find out more about him and catch some of his awesome drumming:

Circadian Pulse EP Launch

Details: Review

Another review of the EP:

Behind the Veil Review

Airplay on DPRP Radio

Thanks to Andy Read and DPRP Radio for playing our song Hourglass on the 4th of March show. According to him, our EP ‘is a solid disk certainly all the way through’.

SludgeFactory Review